Research Highlights
I am a Behavioural Scientist who specializes in research on group decision making. My research uses cutting-edge methodologies and technologies - virtual reality, real-world datasets on organizational decision-making, and field experiments - to tackle major issues in the world from a psychological perspective.

Currently, I am working as a Research Scientist with the University of California (Merced). My work is funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to address inequities in the Promotion and Tenure process. Prioritizing academic and lifestyle freedom, I conduct this research while living a semi-nomadic lifestyle allowing me to visit collaborators around the world and focus fully on producing research. However, most of the time you would find me in New Orleans.
As a poly-creative, I also channel my love of behavioral science through other creative outlets. This includes songwriting, children’s picture books, and an unhealthy love for writing adequate haikus (see “research” for too many examples).
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