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This page describe projects where I try to apply my love of behavioural science beyond academic research papers
Life Modelling
For an unknown reason I am a life modelling enthusiast. I think I partly enjoy the challenge of being still and also the benefit of seeing my body as just an object someone draws. I have life modelled on three continents and can always take up the craft again. Below, is my all time favourite drawing of me, which unintentionally (I hope) made me a Simpsons character.

Dawn's Chorus
This is a three-song EP written as a singer-psychologist-songwriter. The songs discuss topics including evolution, interconnection, and reincarnation. I am always happy to perform, please contact me if interested.

Life: Lived Daily
During my time in Singapore completing my PhD I struggled with the constraints of the government and mismatch between the country's goals and my own. In response, I decided to take control of my narrative and write a book based on my experience and how I found peace through "Life: Lived Daily". The book is very vulnerable but I welcome anyone to read it (to do so click below)
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